Theatre Act Aims for Inclusiveness



After a year and a half of preparations, the goals of the act are finally being decided on, Schneider said. The basic principles of the act have remained unchanged over the past year, she added.

Though the act affects mainly the theatre profession, it has been renamed the Performance Arts Act, as it also affects the dance and music arts. The act is as inclusive as possible. It doesn't matter what kind of institutional form a theatre troupe adopts, only that it actively carries out cultural activity, Schneider said. This framework allows theatre groups to sign contracts with local governments on public performances.
The categories of theatre groups - among them public theatres and independent troupes - determine their financing and tasks. The most important goal is to best meet the interests of the profession while sticking to the letter of the law, Schneider said. Another important point is maintaining the transparency of the application procedure, she added.
Author: Éva Kelemen / Photo: Máté Nándorfi