Theatre Project Explores Experience of Migrant Youth


Thirty young Hungarians and migrants have set up a ?container city? near the Pest bridgehead of the Petőfi Bridge, in the south of the capital. They will perform a play that examines the experience of foreigners living amongst Hungarians five times in September.
Dorottya Kanizsai-Nagy, head of the Reformed Church Refugee Mission, worked to bring the project from Düsseldorf to Budapest to fill a need for more serious social dialogue she felt after working to integrate refugees in Hungary.
A similar container city erected near the Schauspiel Düsseldorf has produced an environment where visions come to life about a world in which are no prejudices about national affiliation, skin colour, family background or religion, said director Petra Lammers.
Lammers said the characters in the play had been developed on the basis of conversations with young people who shared their own experiences.
One of the residents of JeruVille, Philip, a Nigerian who grew up in Budapest, said he would play a character who finds his way around after first arriving in Hungary.
Cazaib, who moved to Budapest from Pakistan six years ago, said he would play a DJ and rapper whose thoughts are revealed through his music.
The JeruVille troupe will perform five times in the evening on September 2, 3, 4, 10 and 11.
The performances are supported by the European Integration Fund.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)