Theatre Undergoes Renovation With EU Grant


The foundation won HUF 67.5 million for the renovation in a tender to boost the attractiveness of the area around Lake Balaton, Nagy said.

The money is being used for organisation, renovating the stage as well as sound and lighting equipment, making the audience space accessible to the disabled and expanding it.
Sophomore-year students at the Kaposvár University Arts Department will bring a production to the theatre on July 29, and the band Zagar will perform on July 30. The two-actor piece Love Letters, directed by Pál Mácsai and played by Judit Hernádi and László Gálffi, will be shown on July 31.
Third-year students at the Kaposvár University Arts Department will perform a concert in memory of Tamás Cseh, the Hungarian songwriter who died last year, to the theatre on August 5. Andrea Szulák will play with her band on the following day, and the Caravan Arts Foundation and the Csiky Theatre of Kaposvár will bring a joint production to the state on August 7.
The Presidance Company will perform Hungarythm on August 12 at the theatre, and the band KFT, which has been a fixture on Hungary?s pop music scene for decades, will play a concert on August 13.
The Budapest Chamber Theatre will bring their production of Svejk to the state on August 14. The theatre?s programme will close with a performance of the Hungarian rock opera Stephen the King by the Roxínház of Kaposvár on August 20.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)