Three Hungarian Films on Selection List for European Film Awards 2006


The three films are director Szabolcs Hajdu?s White Palms, György Pálfi?s Taxidermia and Bálint Kenyeres?s short film Before Dawn. Before Dawn was automatically included in the selection because it won the United International Pictures (UIP) short film award in Tampere in Finland this March.

There are forty-nine European films on the selection list for the European Film Awards 2006. In the coming weeks, the 1,700 members of the European Film Academy, established by Ingmar Bergman and Wim Wenders, will select nominations for different award categories.

In the 20 countries with the most EFA members, members have voted to put one national film directly into the selection list. To complete the list, a Selection Committee (consisting of EFA Board members and invited experts) has included further films.

The nominations will be announced on November 4 at the Seville Film Festival in Spain. And the awards, in 14 categories, including best European film, director, cinematographer, screenwriter, actor and actress, will take place in Warsaw on December 2.

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