Three Hungarians Take World Press Photo Prizes


Balázs Gárdi of the VII Network/Alexia Foundation took 1st prize singles in the General News category with an image of an Afghan man holding a wounded boy in the Korengal Valley in October.

Zsolt Szigetváry's award-winning photograph

The Hungarian News Agency's Zsolt Szigetváry took 2nd prize singles in the Contemporary Issues category for his picture of a couple injured by anti-gay violence in Budapest.

Judit Berekai of Focus Fotoagentur took 3rd prize singles in the Sports Features category for a photograph of yoga performers in Varanasi, India.

Balázs Gárdi's award-winnning photograph

The World Press Photo of the Year prize went to UK photographer Tim Hetherington for his image of an exhausted US soldier in Afghanistan published in Vanity Fair magazine.

World Press Photo is an independent non-profit organisation founded in the Netherlands in 1955 with the objective of supporting and promoting the work of professional photojournalists around the world. Over the years it has become a forum for photographic journalism in general, as well as a promoter of the free and unrestricted flow of information.
In achieving these aims, World Press Photo holds an annual photography competition, the largest and most prestigious in the world. Winning pictures are put on tour and are viewed by over a million people in thirty-five countries.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI) /