Three Theatre Premieres on Spring Festival Programme



The first of the festival's premieres, of Chekov's The Cherry Orchard, will take place on March 17 at the Vígszínház. The production is directed by Róbert Alföldi, who returns to the theatre where he started after eight years. Enikő Eszenyi will play the lead.

On March 21, the Puppet Theatre will show László Garaczi's stage adaptation of Homer's The Odyssey under the direction of Péter Valló.
The Katona József Theatre will show a new production of Carlo Goldoni's One of the Last Nights of Carnival, directed by Gábor Zsámbéki, on March 30. The tragicomedy's three main leads will be played by Zoltán Bezerédi, Erzsi Máthé, Gábor Máté and Andrea Fullajtár.
The most extraordinary production at this year's Spring Festival will be Eraritjaritjaka - Museum of Phrases, a rendering of Elias Canetti's writings directed by Heiner Goebbels and performed by the Théatre Vidy-Lausanne.
Another theatre production on the Spring Festival programme is a piece based on a little-known novel by the Hungarian writer Jenő Rejtő. Rewritten for the stage by the writer Péter Kárpáti and directed by Eszter Novák, the play will be performed on March 27 at the House of Future Theatre. The play premiered at the end of February at Tatabánya's Jászai Mari Theatre.