Titanic Attracts Nominations from All Over World


In addition to countries well known in Hungary for their films, nominations were also received from Chile, India, Cuba and the Philippines. The festival's organisers allowed nominations to be made online this year for the first time. As a result, many of the nominations have not yet arrived in Budapest. Among those that have arrived for the pre-jury to watch are El Tiempo Que Se Queda (dir. Jose Luis Torres Leiva), which was a big success at the Rotterdam Festival, and the American-Kosovar My Blood my Compromise (dir. Nuhi de Stani), which reveals a vivid portrait of Kosovo's ongoing struggle for independence after seven years of UN intervention.
Among the features nominated is Australian director Michael Frank's Ra Choi, a prize-winning film about Vietnamese street kids' struggle to get by in a Sydney suburb.
Two Polish films are among the accepted shorts nominations: Great Escape and Moloch from Studio Platige and the picturesque 13.23 by Gryniewicz.
The 14th Titanic Budapest International Film Festival will take place at the Uránia, Toldi, Örökmozgó and Vörösmarty cinemas on April 12-22.
Source: port.hu