Tomcsa Theatre Celebrates Tenth Anniversary


Odorheiu Secuiesc

Theatre director Pál Nagy said the programme was put together based on the theatre's past traditions and the demands of audiences. It includes Hungarian classics, comedies and musical pieces.

This season, theatre pass holders can see four productions on the main stage, including the operetta Bástyasétány 77 by Géza Baróti, Mihály Eisemann and László Dalos, directed by Csongor Csurulya, and Ödön von Horváth's Tales from the Vienna Woods, directed by Zalán Zakariás.
The Sándor Tomcsa Theatre

Also on the programme is Ken Ludwig's Moon Over Buffalo, directed by Zoltán Pálfi.  Guest performances will include one by the Miklós Tompa Company from the National Theatre of Târgu Mure of Roland Schimmelpfennig's The Woman Before and another by the Áron Tamási Theatre of Sfântu Gheorghe of The Miracle, directed by László Bocsárdi.

Preparations are underway for three children's performances as well as a production of Carlo Goldoni's The Pharmacist, also directed by Csurulya.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)