Two Hungarian recordings shortlisted for BBC Music Magazine Awards


 Iván Fischer

The recordings, by the Budapest Festival Orchestra, conducted by Iván Fischer, and the Hungarian National Philharmonic Orchestra, under the baton of Zoltán Kocsis, are two of the three shortlisted recordings in the orchestral category.

The Budapest Festival Orchestra plays Mahler's Symphony No. 4, with the soprano Miah Persson, in their shortlisted recording.
"The things that go towards making a recording special can be surprisingly simple. This one offers a feast of precise, unexaggerated detail: much of it seems unfamiliar and yet, time and again, turns out to be no more than exactly what Mahler's score says," said the critic Malcolm Hayes of the recording.
The Hungarian National Philharmonic Orchestra's recording is of Bartók's Suite No. 2, Rumanian Dance, Rumanian Folk Dances and Dance Suite.
"Zoltán Kocsis and his Hungarian players demonstrate a convincing sense of ownership when it comes to Bartók's music. This hugely appealing disc covers well known and less familiar parts of the composer's output, but in every case the attention to detail and excitement of the playing is second to none," the critic John Allison said of the recording.
Source: / BBC Music Magazine