Új Színház Celebrates Hungarian, Slovakian Arts


Festival goers will see an exhibition of stage and costume designs by artists from theatres participating at the festival in the Új Színház?s foyer.

On the first day of the festival, Slovakia?s Vertigo Theatre and Hungary?s Slovak Theatre will perform ?Matka? (Mother), in Slovakian. The day will also feature screenings of short films by Hungarian and Slovakian film academy students as well as a concert by the Free Style Chamber Orchestra.

On Thursday, December 21, the Jókai Theatre from the city of Komárom, near Hungary?s border with Slovakia, will perform ?Fall Dream?, by John Fosse, in Hungarian. Peter Lipa, one of Slovakia?s best-known Jazz musicians, will also perform.

On the festival?s final day, A-HA, a theatre based in Bratislava, will perform ?PraFaust? (ProtoFaust), in Slovakian. Hungary?s Slovak Theatre will perform a musical comedy, in Hungarian. Also on the programme will be readings from contemporary Slovakian plays and a concert by Hungary?s Kistehén Tánczenekar.

The Új Színház?s contribution to the programme will be a performance of ?Marat/Sade? directed by Romania?s Victor Ioan Frunza. The costume designer for the production, Adriana Grand, will display her work in the Új Színház?s foyer.

Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)