UK Press Impressed With ?Treasures From Budapest?


?Treasures from Budapest: European Masterpieces from Leonardo to Schiele? was opened on Saturday by Hungarian Deputy-Prime Minister and Minister of Administration and Justice Tibor Navracsics. The Financial Times, The Guardian, The Sunday Times, the Daily Telegraph, The Observer and The London Evening Standard have all published pieces about the show.

In a piece for the weekend edition of the Financial Times, Jackie Wullschlager called the show ?a feast of surprise and delight? from the greatest collection of art in Central Europe.
?Every visitor will be a handful of canvases, for among 200 pictures not one is dull and many deepen our understanding of favourite artists or acclaimed names,? said Wullschlager, who had special praise for works collected by the noble Esterházy family.
Writing in The Guardian, Jonathan Jones called ?Treasures From Budapest? a ?once-in-a-lifetime show?.
?From the first room, where Hungarian gothic altarpieces are juxtaposed with Italian Renaissance delights, to the last, where Schiele gives you a final thrill, the art of central Europe is richly mingled with extraordinary works from the west that are in Hungary?s public collections,? he said.
Waldemar Januszczak, writing for The Sunday Times, recalled a trip to Budapest before the show where he was shown the paintings that would travel to London by the Museum of Fine Arts? curator. He calls the show a ?superior collection of art treasures? and offers a nod to Prince Nikolaus Esterázy, ?a Hungarian cad with impeccable taste?.
?Treasures From Budapest? runs until December 12, 2010.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)