Underground Posters Show Kodály's Life


Deputy Mayot of Budapest Csaba Horváth and advising state secretary at the Ministry of Education and Culture Márta Schneider. Photo: Eszter Gordon

The 125th anniversary of Kodály's birth and the 40th anniversary of his death are good opportunities to bring him closer to Hungary's travelling public, deputy mayor Csaba Horváth said.

Advising state secretary at the Ministry of Education and Culture Márta Schneider said most Hungarians already know something of Kodály, as he is quite close to the people.

The poster exhibition is one of the last of many special events held to mark the anniversary year. A series of concerts of Kodály's music sung by local choirs in busy public places will conclude on December 1, and a gala event closing the anniversary year will soon take place in Kecskemét, where Kodály was born.

The posters, which present Kodály's activities as a composer, a folk music collector, a music teacher and a public personality, use material from the Kodály Archives in Budapest and the Hungarian Photography Museum in Kecskemét, as well as an album entitled Zoltán Kodály's Life in Pictures and Documents, edited by László Eősze.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)