University Celebrates Italian Language, Culture


Debrecen University

Italian language and culture are on the programme following a week of Dutch and another of Finish language and culture.

The university's Italian Week will start on October 27 with a presentation on Machiavelli by Imre Madarász, who heads the school's Italian department. Adriano Papo will describe how Italians view Hungarian history, and László Sztanó, the author of the Italian-Hungarian Cultural Dictionary, will speak on Italian cultural identity on the following day.
Language teaching and learning will be the theme on the morning of October 29. Visitors can take an Italian lesson or learn about the latest methods in Italian language instruction. In the evening, the film Mamma Roma will be screened.
On October 30, László Pete will give a talk on the Italian mafia.
István Puskás will give two talks on October 31, one on the controversial Italian artist Pier Paolo Pasolini and another on Italian pop culture.
Detailed Programme 
October 27
14:00: Imre Madarász: The Heritage of Machiavelli (Italian department library)

October 28

10:00: Adriano Papo: Hungarian History Through Italian Eyes (Historical Institute Libary)
14:00: László Sztanó: Italian Cultural Identity - Experiences Preparing the Italian-Hungarian Cultural Dictionary (Italian department library)
October 29
8:30: Kata Puskás: Advanced Italian language hour (Italian department library)
10:00: Kata Puskás: New Developments in Middle-School Italian Language Instruction (Italian department library)
18:00: Film screening: Mamma Roma (Italian department library)
14:00-16:00: László Pete: The History of the Italian Mafia (Italian department library)
October 31
14:00: István Puskás: The Secrets of Pasolini (Italian department library)
15:00: István Puskás: Italian Pop Culture (Italian department library)
17:00: Zsófia Törtei: Italian for Beginners (Debrecen Language School - Bethlen u. 39.)