Urania Hosts Minorities Film Festival


 Ferenc Gémesi
The festival which showcases films about minorities in Hungary is one of the most visible and successful parts of Hungarian Film Week, said state secretary at the Office of the Prime Minister Ferenc Gémesi at the opening of the event.
The guest at this year's minorities film festival is Romania.

 György Somogyi Kósa
Hungarian public television programme director György Somogyi Kósa stressed the importance of quality minority programming at the opening of the festival. Magyar Televízió has hosted minority programmes for more than three decades, not because it was mandatory, but because it was a calling, he added.
The director Tamás Almási will head the jury for the programme. Jury members will include the journalist Armanca Brindusa and the director of the Romanian Cultural Institute in Budapest Ádám Born.

Nineteen films will be shown in the competition and a further 12 films from Romania will be screened outside of the competition. Talks and workshops will also be on the programme.

Photo: Dániel Kováts