US Delegation Marks Anniversary of Diplomatic Ties With Hungary


Pelosi, a former House Speaker, remarked on the ties between the two countries, which, she noted, go back even further, during a visit to the House of Terror, a memorial to the victims of dictatorial fascist and communist regimes in Hungary.
?On the 90th anniversary of diplomatic relations between our two nations, we celebrate that friendship, which is based on shared values,? Pelosi said.
She recalled her first trip to Hungary as a Member of Congress in 1988, describing a meeting with dissidents who expressed their ?aspirations for freedom?.
?Little did we in the Congressional Delegation know, that in just a few short years, under the leadership of Tom Lantos, we would be advocating for the membership of Hungary in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization,? she added.
Pelosi said Hungary and the U.S. had ?worked together for our common goals?, such as transition in Libya and stability in the Balkans. She also acknowledged Hungarian forces serving alongside U.S. forces in Afghanistan.
?We know that over 2 million, more like 2 and a half million Americans are proud of their Hungarian heritage, and serve as bridges between our two countries,? she added.
Pelosi presented Hungarian House Speaker László Kövér with a treaty of friendship, signed by President Warren Harding, marking the U.S.-Hungary relationship during her visit.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI) / U.S. Embassy / Photo: MTI