Valley of Arts 2006 Broadens Musical Palette


The Művészetek Völgye will feature concerts and other events in six villages north of Lake Balaton on July 28?August 6.

The quarry in Öcs will be the venue for concerts by Besh o droM, Muzsikás, the Dresch Quartett, Makám, Félix Lajkó, Kálmán Balogh, David Yengibarjan, Ági Szalóki and Bea Palya.

Foreign performers will include Tara-Fuki from the Czech Republic, as well as Rroma Art, Braca Teofilivici and throat singers Huun-Hur Tu, all from Serbia. The Csángó gala will take place on August 2?3 and feature 60 Csángó musicians and dancers from the Moldovan and Ghimes villages of Lunca de Sus (Gyimesfelsőlok in Hungarian), Lunca de Jos (Gyimesközéplok), Făget (Gyimesbükk), Cleja (Klézse), Lespezi (Lészped) and Pustiana (Pusztina).

As in previous years, jazz concerts will take place at the open-air stage next to the Malompart Restaurant in Kapolcs. Performers will include guests from Russia, Israel and France as well as Hungarian artists. The list of performers will include Jazzpression, the Volkov Trió from Russia, Lajos Sárközi and Orchestra, the Elemér Balázs Group, the Eli Degibri Quartet from Israel, the Kálmán Oláh Sextet, Jazzticos from France, the Hot Jazz Band, the Pecek Trió, the Pege Quartet, the Error 3 Trio, the Attila László Quintet, Richárd Szaniszló and his band, Nikoletta Szőke and Jazzclusive, the Collective Quartet, the Kaltenecker Trio, the Dániel Szabó Trio, the László Dés - Elemér Balázs Quartet with Contemporary Gregorian, the Free Style Chamber Orchestra and After Crying.

The festival will also have its fair share of rock and alternative performers, including Quimby, Kispál and the Borz, Ádám Török and Mini, Tibor Tátrai and Magyar Atom, Jamie Winchester, Bikini, KFT, the Hobo Blues Band, Anima Sound System, Balkán Fanatik and the Kistehén Dance Orchestra, who will play on a stage in Monostorapáti set up by the same people who run Budapest?s popular Petőfi Hall concert venue.

The Lake Garden in Vigántpetend, set up by free weekly programme guide Pesti Est, will host pop acts such as Neo, Heaven Street Seven and Másfél. The Bárka Theatre stage in Pula will feature Egy Kis Erzsi Zene and Boban Markovics, and Taliándörögd will host concerts by Ági Bárdos Deák and Kontroll, Kampec Dolores and György Ferenczi.

Also in Taliándörögd, the percussion ensemble Amadinda will again hold its ?Percussion Valley? event, which introduces the audience to the gamut of percussion instruments. The ensemble will also perform in the church in Monostorapáti.
