Vandekeybus Brings New Piece to Trafó


The performance requires extraordinary stamina, skill and concentration, and it is all too hard not to wince at an imagined sense of pain when one watches the dancers.

The piece, which involves four male and three female dancers, explores the themes of resistance, change, destruction and development through extreme physical experiments fuelled by a passionate virtuosity that will be familiar to Vandekeybus fans. The music for the piece was composed by Mauro Pawlowski, the guitarist for the Flemish rock band dEUS, who will perform live for the production.
NieuwZwart is based on a text by Flemish writer Peter Verhelst and adapted for the audiences by the actress and dancer Kylie Walters.
Vandekeybus's troupe includes two Hungarian members: Máté Mészáros and Imre Vass.