Visegrad Four Culture Ministers Meet in Budapest


Polish Culture Undersecretary Krzysztof Olendzki, Czech Deputy Culture Minister Petra Smolikova, Hungarian Minister of Education and Culture István Hiller and Slovak Culture Minister Marek Madaric
Attending the meeting were Slovak Culture Minister Marek Madaric, Czech Deputy Culture Minister Petra Smolikova and Polish Culture Undersecretary Krzysztof Olendzki. They discussed intercultural dialogue, the connection between culture and the economy, and tasks ahead during Germany's EU presidency.
The Visegrad Four culture ministers will hold informal coordinating talks before every culture-related EU vote with the aim of promoting a common standpoint in the EU, Hiller said.
The meeting's participants also voted on the recipient of the second Visegrad Award, choosing to recognise the Krakow International Culture Institute.
They voiced continued support for the creation of a Visegrad library and addressed plans to publish an anthology of important authors from their countries in the second half of the year.
The meeting featured a concert by outstanding young jazz musicians from each of the countries represented at the meeting. The concert, held at the Urania National Film Theatre, proved such a success that there are plans to release the material on CD.
The Visegrad Four culture ministers are scheduled to meet again in Slovakia in the second half of the year.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)