Volcano Park Visitors Centre to Be Completed in Spring


Földes and Company Architects Office won the tender to build the centre, called in 2009, after the Celldömölk local council won a European Union grant for the project.
The Ybl Prize-winning architect László Földes said the visitors centre was expected to be inaugurated between March and May of next year.
The Kemenes Volcano Park is the brainchild of Szabolcs Harangi, a volcanologist and faculty head at Budapest?s Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE), who was inspired by trips abroad.
?We?re not talking about a conventional concept, the distribution of space in the building is entirely difference from an average visitors centre: the building frame is a twelve-metre-high reinforced concrete cube into which giant matchbox-like things have been stuck, creating space for exhibitions,? said Földes.
?The building frame is built on the basic properties of volcanoes. The pressure of the magma bubbling underground grows too great and the lava erupts from the top of the volcano. The visitor can follow the same path in the course of the exhibition, learning about what happens under ground in a space recessed in the ground, then following the path of the lava ever higher to the peak,.? He added.
Celldömölk mayor László Fehér said the city expects the volcano park to draw tens of thousands of visitors a year. A team will start marketing the park from January, he added.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)