Website Shows Cultural Adventures in Capital


The website ? -- has a friendly, modern look and offers visitors information on all of the best thnigs to see and do in the capital. It has online forums in which people planning to visit Budapest can ask questions of ?cultural ambassadors? ? expatriates from France, Spain, Austria, Australia, the United States and Scotland, who know the capital well ? as well as of locals.

Feedback suggests tourists like the chance to seek authentic tips online, said BTH managing director László Fekete.
The ?ambassadors? were recruited with the help of Underguide Budapet and Funzine Media. They regularly publish their own adventures in Budapest online, complete with pictures, and they have weekly internet consultations for the curious.
BTH has published a hundred thosuand copies of Summer Adventures, a pamphlet promoting Budapest?s sights, gastronomy, romantic hideaways, shops and baths in English and Hungarian. Summer Adventures can be found in the capital?s hotels, Tourinform offices and at bigger cultural institutions.
BTH has teamed up with more than 50 hotels and travel offices as part of the promotion. Their offerings, as well as those of the capital?s cultural institutions, can be found at or