World Congress of Hungarians Slated For July 1-8


The congress, organised in cooperation with the Panoráma World Club network and several other groups, will offer Hungarians from the Carpathian Basin and far-away countries, as well as their invited guests, a chance to meet each other.
The participants will include representatives of public life, culture, science, art, religion, the social and civil sector, sports and the economy.
There will be around a hundred events at twelve locations over eight days and audiences of all ages will have plenty to choose from. The majority of events will be held in central Budapest, including at the Uránia National Film Theatre, the SYMA Events Centre, the Kálvin Square Church, the University of Óbuda and Stefánia Palace. Outside of the capital, events will take place in Balatonlelle, Fonyód, Szeged and Örkény.
The meeting will start and end with ecumenical services at the Kálvin Square Church.
Programme details are available at