World Design Capital Presents Hungary


The exhibition, to take place on November 6-13, will feature the best design from Hungary, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Slovakia. From Hungary, it will show animated films and cult design objects recreated on the walls, ceilings and benches of the exhibition space by the graphic designer Levente Szabó.

The exhibition is part of the International Design Casa section of the World Design Capital 2008 programme, which presents a city-wide showcase of design stories from around the world.

"International Design Casa is an appointment that looks in depth at the understanding of design as an instrument for communicating identity and values, and as a strategy for drawing up new economic development paths. Moving together and beyond mere objects, the various experiences of other cities and nations enable Torino to bring out into the open the flexibility of design as an instrument and strategy, but also as an approach to a sustainable lifestyle," say programme directors Michael Thomson and Christine Losecaat.

Another World Design Capital exhibition that is not to be missed is entitled Flexibility:
Design in a fast-changing society and is hosted in the Ex-Carceri, "Le Nuove", a former prision.

"In the circular space of the panopticum, from which the prison wings reach out, the exhibition introduces visitors to the multitude of meanings attributed to the concept of flexibility. After this, in the men's wing, examples are proposed of effective design objects and solutions in terms of adaptability and versatility and that can be applied in our houses, workplaces and cities. At the end, the exhibition route finishes in the women's wing where ten installations created specially by ten rising designers on the international stage are on show," the exhibition organisers write.

Turin was made the "beta-tester" of the World Design Capital project, which is promoted by the International Design Alliance (IDA) and conducted by the International Council of Societies of Industrial Design (Icsid), in 2005.