World-famous Celtic Singers Visit Hungary for First Time


Ó hEadhra, who was born in Ireland and grew up in Canada, has dedicated himself to preserving the ancient Celtic languages of his Scottish and Irish ancestors. Although a skilled composer as well, Ó hEadhra?s unique voice has made him one of the most sought after Celtic singers in the world.

Ó hEadhra and MacKenzie, who are husband and wife, will be accompanied on their trip to Hungary by their baby Orla. On stage, however, they will be accompanied by Hungary?s first Scottish bagpipe player György Kéri and the country?s youngest bagpipe player Dániel Rab. The concert will also feature the singer-songwriter Péter Gerendás as well as readings from young poets presented by the writing workshop Parnasszus, led by poet and translator István Turczi.

The performance is free of charge and will take place at the Műcsarnok on Budapest?s Heroes? Square at 18:00.

For more information, contact the Albannach Scottish Cultural Society at tel: 06 30 7468522, or visit