Writer Praises Kádár In Book


Moldova wishes to add a different shade to the picture of Kádár painted after the changeover to a multi-party democracy in Hungary. Kádár?s role during the 1956 Revolution as well as the time which followed must be reevaluated. Moldova adds that he believes the day will come when Kádár has his own statue in Hungary.

From the start of the 1940s, Kádár was a leader of the then illegal communist movement in Hungary. He served as interior minister in 1948-1950, but was imprisoned for political reasons in 1951-1954. He was freed by Imre Nagy and became a member of the government in 1956.

On November 1, Kádár set up the revolutionary workers? government with the help of the Soviets. He remained the leader of Hungary until his death on July 6, 1989, the very same day Hungary?s Supreme Court nullified a decision made in 1958 sentencing Imre Nagy to death for his role in 1956 Revolution.

Source: Múlt-kor / Hungarian News Agency (MTI)