Yearly HUF 3.5-4bn To Be Available For Community Centre Renovation


Hiller called the increased funding a significant step forward, but noted that ?the money will not be disbursed automatically, but only for suitable projects. The funding will be enough for renovations of 200 of Hungary?s more than 1,800 community cultural centres, he said.

In order to make the most of their resources, these community centres must become multi-functional, offering, for example, an internet access point and a lending library under a single roof.

Hiller noted that, although cultural affairs are a matter of national interest among EU members, this does not mean Brussels will not provide financing for cultural purposes.

Community cultural centres that wish to take advantage of the HUF 3.5-4.0 billion in annual funding must pay for at least 15 percent of their project costs from their own resources.

Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)