Yonderboi To Open For Depeche Mode


Yonderboi will open with his band Kings of Oblivion for the concert, which will take place at the Ferenc Puskás stadium. The set will feature songs of Yonderboi?s latest album ?Splendid Isolation?, including the new single ?People Always Talk About the Weather?, the video for which Yonderboi directed himself.

With ?Splendid Isolation?, Yonderboi moves toward a more modern, guitar-based sound, quite different from the slower-tempo, jazz-like music on his debut album ?Shallow and Profound?. ?Splendid Isolation? was produced by Junkie XL from the Netherlands, best known for the hit remix ?A Little Less Conversation?. Contributors on the album include Edward Kaspel of the Legendary Pink Dots, Krisztián Szűcs of Heaven Street Seven and Imre Poniklo of Amber Smith

Yonderboi ? a name from William Gibson?s cult sci-fi novel Neuromancer ? is László Fogarasi, born in 1980.