Young Hungarian Directors Post Backlog on Net


Diana Groó

The website - (madzag means "string" in Hungarian) - was set up to bring the directors' early works (those made in the last 14 years) to a broader public. The site is also intended to encourage filmmakers to try out new media and forms by providing a place to show them to the public.

The site is not meant to compete with other streaming media site. It will be supported through the cooperation of young filmmakers and aims to offer unknown artists a way to show their work.
Already, visitors to the site can see several works by Diana Groó, such as Trapéz (Trapeze) and Jew Fest; Ferenc Török's 1998 documentary Hajtás Pajtás menni Amerika (Hajtás Pajtás Go America), about bicycle messengers from Budapest that travel to the United States for a world-wide competition and his music video for Emil Rulez' song Zazie; Szabolcs Hajdu's short film Hétköznapi enciklopédia (Everday Encyclopedia); Dániel Erdélyi's short film 411-Z and his thesis film Sampion (Mushroom); and György Pálfi's Paradicsom (Paradise).
The site was set up by the Madzag Film Alliance, whose members include Béla Barsi, Dániel Erdélyi, Csaba Fazekas, Gábor Fischer, Diana Groó, Szabolcs Hajdu, Réka Lemhényi, Bence Miklauzic, György Pálfi, Ferenc Török and Orsolya Török-Illyés.