Young Hungarian Director Wins Award in New Delhi


The festival, which was held on December 11?18, showed the work of 20 first-time directors from Europe, South America and the Middle East. This year?s theme was ?Women Behind the Camera?.

The Italian actress Gina Lollobrigida was the honorary guest at the event.

Competing at the festival with Kocsis?s film was Hungarian director Ibolya Fekete?s ?Journeys with a Monk?. Outside of the competition, two more Hungarian films were shown: Krisztina Goda?s comedy ?Just Sex and Nothing Else? and Diana Groó?s documentary ?The Way of the Future?.

?Fresh Air?, which shows the deep but little apparent bonds between a mother and her daughter, won the award for best directorial debut at this year?s Hungarian Film Festival. Since then, it has been invited to more than 30 international festivals. It was presented the main award in Brussels, the film critics? award in Warsaw and the student jury award in Bratislava.

The film will open in Hungarian theatres on January 4, 2007.

Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)