Young Hungarian Writers in Slovakia Establish Circle


The Young Writers Circle will support writers? efforts to educate themselves, publish their work and bring it to the public.
The circle has more than 35 members. It is open to anybody under 35 who has not yet published a book, but is interested in literature.
The circle was established at a meeting on August 26. The founding members approved the organisation?s statutes and elected board members Sándor Angyal, Enikő Czucz, Kornél Hajtman, Zsuzsa Takács and Gergely Vörös. Péter Rajkovics was made chairman.
The circle wants to present itself to the public on several occasions in the near future. Later it wants to publish an anthology.
The organisation was established on the initiative of Gyula Hodossym, chairman of the Slovakian Hungarian Society of Writers.