Zagar to Play Rooftop Allnightbreakz


Zagar enjoyed international exposure when he was featured on Yonderboi's album Shallow and Profound, which mixed Bartók, The Doors and French chanson with downtempo grooves. But Zagar's own album Local Broadcast, released in 2002, was nothing like Yonderboi. It featured a real rock band with DJ Bootsie, Andor Kovács and Tibor Lázár, and presented a groovy, retro and dark sound that was almost cinematic at times. After an interlude, during which Zagar put together the score for the Hungarian film Season, the band released Cannot Walk Fly Instead, featuring guest performances by many of Hungary's best underground musicians, including Juci Németh, Enikő Hodosi, Bori Péterfy and Edina Kutzora. Judie Pay from Beat Dis, György Ligeti from Puzzle and Hungary's hip-hop star Sena were also featured.
