Zsámbék Jazz Open Returns With Fresh Talent


The Church Ruins of Zsámbék

Áron Koós-Hutás, winner of the Rudolf Tomsits Jazz Trumpet Competition, will present material from his debut CD at the Jazz Open's first concert on June 27. As in earlier years, teachers and students of the József Gungl Elementary Art Training Institute will appear on stage on the same evening.

The first concert of the series has been dedicated to the sculptor Lőrinc Király, who founded the Zsámbék Jazz Open in 2000 and who died earlier this year.
On July 11, Dániel Szabó, who is a graduate of the New England Conservatory of Music and has played at the Montreux Jazz Festival, will perform.  He will play solo as well as with other winners of the Rudolf Tomsits Jazz Trumpet Competition.
On July 18, the jazz singer-cum-radio host Krisztina Pocsai will return to the state after a three-year absence. The ethno-jazz giant Mihály Dresch will perform with a new formation afterward.
The concert on July 25 will feature a line-up of former MR3-Bartók Radio talent contest winners, including the drummer András Lakatos Pecek, the double bass player Krisztián Lakatos Pecek, the bass guitar player József Horváth Plútó and the violinist Lajos Sárközi, who was only 15 when he won the Gábor Radics Jazz Violin Competition in 2006. The pianist Árpád Tzumó Oláh and the Acoustic Quartet will perform in the second half of the evening.
The concerts will take place against the backdrop of the spectacular ruins of a church built in the 13th century.
The full programme:
June 27 - 19:00 Church Ruins (Zsámbék) - In memoriam Lőrinc Király; 1st part: concert by teachers and students of the József Gungl Elementary Art Training Institute; 2nd part: Áron Koós-Hutás (trumpet) concert with Gábor Cseke (piano), Viktor Hárs (double bass), János Sramkó (drums)
July 11 - 19:00 Church Ruins (Zsámbék) - Dániel Szabó and friends, with Ádám Meggyes, Tamás Tettamanti, Balázs Pecze (trumpet), Dani Szabó All Stars (members: Dániel Szabó /piano, Kristóf Bacsó, Zoltán Zana /saxophone, Csaba Czirják /guitar, Mátyás Szandai /double bass, Csaba Kőfalvi /drums)
July 18 - 19:00 Church Ruins (Zsámbék) - Krisztina Pocsai Quartet and Mihály Dresch Quartet; Krisztina Pocsai Quartet (members: Krisztina Pocsai /vocals, Gábor Cseke /piano, József Barcza Horváth /double bass, András Mohay /drums), Mihály Dresch Quartet (members: Mihály Dresch /saxophone, Dániel Szabó /piano, Ernő Hock /double bass, István Baló /drums)
July 25 - 19:00 Church Ruins (Zsámbék) - Pecek Lakatos Trio + Pluto & Lajos Sárközi and the Tzumo Quartet; Pecek Lakatos Trio (members: Adorján Lakatos Pecek Jr./piano, Krisztián Lakatos Pecek /double bass, András Lakatos Pecek /drums), József "Pluto" Horváth (bass guitar), Lajos Sárközi (violin), Tzumo Quartet (members: Tzumo/piano, Gábor Bolla /saxophone, János Egri /double bass, András Lakatos Pecek /drums)
Source: fidelio@fidelio.hu