Zsolt Nagy Joins European Film Academy



Nagy was invited to accept his membership in a letter signed by EFA president Yves Mormion, said VOX editor Viktor Dudás. Membership in the EFA is on an invitation-only basis, and invitations are only made on the recommendation of several existing members, he added.

Nagy told the Hungarian News Agency that he considered the invitation a "great honour". As a member, he will be expected to evaluate 40 films a year, he said.
Nagy graduated from Budapest's Theatre and Film Arts College in 2000. As a member of the Krétákör Theatre, he won the prize for best young actor at the 2001 Pécs National Theatre Convention. His first film role was in Ferenc Török's Szezon. His second film was Nimród Antal's Kontroll, for which he won a best-supporting actor award at the Hungarian Film Week. His latest film is the thriller Nosedive.
Nagy was recently presented to film industry insiders and the press at the 58th Berlin International Film Festival by European Film Promotion (EFP) as part of EFP's Shooting Stars programme. He joined eight other young rising starts, including the Brit Andrew Garfield, who played in Robert Redford's Lions for Lambs, and the Romanian actress Anamaria Marinca, who played in the Golden Palm-winner Four Months, Three Weeks and Two Days.
Zsolt Nagy in the dilm Nosedive

Nagy is not the only Hungarian EFA member. Last year, Hungarian producer László Kántor was elected a member of the EFA board, joining the Hungarian director István Szabó, who was re-elected. Other Hungarian members include Miklós Jancsó, Lívia Gyarmathy, György Szomjas, János Szász, Márta Mészáros, Lajos Koltai, Ildikó Enyedi and Ágnes Incze.

EFA was founded by Ingmar Bergman and Wim Wenders in 1988. Wenders serves as chairman of the eleven-member board, whose members, in addition to Kántor and Szabó, include the producers Yves Marmion, Nik Powell, Per Holst, Mike Downey and Antonio Saura, the directors Volker Schlöndorff and Francesco Ranieri Martinotti, and the actor Pierre-Henri Deleau.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI) / Photo: port.hu