Zsolt Nagy to be Hungary's Shooting Star


Zsolt Nagy in his latest film role in "Nosedive"

Nagy will be one of nine young actors European Film Promotion (EFP) will show to film industry insiders and the press at the 58th Berlin International Film Festival next year. Among the other rising stars are the Brit Andrew Garfield, who played in Robert Redford's Lions for Lambs, and the Romanian actress Anamaria Marinca, who played in the Golden Palm-winner Four Months, Three Weeks and Two Days.

The participants were chosen by a jury of their peers, including the British actress Lucy Russell, Lars von Trier's producer Vibeke Windelov, Italian casting director Beatrice Kruger and, overseeing the body, the well known cinematographer Michael Ballhaus.
Berlin International Film Festival director Dieter Kosslick will present the nine actors on February 11.
Nagy graduated from Budapest's Theatre and Film Arts College in 2000. As a member of the Krétákör Theatre, he won the prize for best young actor at the 2001 Pécs National Theatre Convention. His first film role was in Ferenc Török's Szezon. His second film was Nimród Antal's Kontroll, for which he won a best-supporting actor award at the Hungarian Film Week.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)