A38 Hosts Free Concerts on Ship Deck


The Monday concerts, fittingly titled ?Mondays on Waves? will feature two performances by acts which are not to be missed: PASOund System (the Pannonia Allstars Ska Orchestra soundsystem project), which spread the Jamaican soundsystem culture through their vinyls, live instrumentals, rapping and singing; and Le Biskuit, whose 70s funk dance music carries a political and social message.

On Tuesdays, Bergi, the cook of Hungary?s ?kitchen house?, will play a set of refined minimalist electronic music. An eight-year veteran of Hungary?s club scene, Bergi has been a member of the Fresh ER crew at innumerable breakbeat- and d'n'b-parties.

Ambrus Tövisházi, the front man for Amorf Ördögök and the Erik Sumo Band, will DJ on Wednesdays. Tövisházi?s sets will feature sounds as diverse as Trinidad Calypso and Jaspanese disco, as well as much Latin-based funky dance music. He will also host as guests during his sets some of Hungary?s best DJs, from clubs such as Veszprém?s Pipedome and Pécs?s Bodoo.

On Thursdays, reggae professor Bosi will introduce listeners to the full scope of Jamaican music, playing the gamut from Alton Ellis, Dennis Brown and Garnet Silk to Sizzla and Sean Paul. From 10pm until midnight, he will play a ?Strictly Studio One? programme.

Source: Port.hu