András Csáki Wins 51st International Guitar Festival of Tokyo


András Csáki

Csáki beat 15 other classical guitarists from around the world in the finals of the three-round competition. The runner-up was Harold Gretton from Australia, and Otto Tolonen from Finland was in third place.

In addition to a number of prizes, including a Yamaha Kohno guitar, Csáki will get the chance to join a three-week concert tour of Japan in 2009.
Csáki started playing the guitar at age 11 at the Ádám Jenő Music School in Budapest's District IX. He continued his studies at the Bartók Conservatory, during which time he won international competitions in Weimar and in Vina del Mar, Chile. He graduated from the Liszt Academy magna cum laude in 2007. Csáki is currently a second-year student in DLA training at the Music Academy. Since 1998, he has been a member of the Excanto Ancient Music Ensemble and a soloist for Bartók Radio since 2002. He became an instructor at the Bartók Conservatory in 2005.