Artist Couple Launches Double Album


 Erzsébet Vojnich and Miklós Szüts

The work of Miklós Szüts and Erzsébet Vojnich would not exist independently of each other, said Petőfi Literature Museum director Csilla E. Csorba, praising their cooperation at the launch of the album hosted by the museum.

Others praised the artists' work itself.  "I never feel such knowledge of myself as when I look at their pictures," said the actor and National Theatre director Róbert Alföldi.
"Now I see there really is art," said the writer Péter Esterházy.
Esterházy is one of the contributors to the album, as are László Darvasi, Krisztina Tóth, György Spiró and Lajos Nagy Parti.
The psychologist György Csepeli said it is difficult not to be inspired by the artist couple's extraordinary world.
The book, published by Scolar Kiadó,has inspired an exhibition of Szüts and Vojnich's works at Szeged's new regional arts centre. Though the pair has exhibited together abroad, they have never put on a joint show in Hungary.
Author: Éva Kelemen