Children's Musical Shows in Zánka


The cast of 11- to 15-year-olds, including two Hungarians, shaped the piece during a 20-day ?theatre camp? on the Black Sea under the direction of Aleksej Frandetti.
The camp has been organised for the children of employees of Russian nuclear energy company Rosatom for the past four years, but this is the first time a production created at the camp has travelled abroad.
Dream Stop was shown to much acclaim at the Hungarian Theatre in Budapest on Thursday.
In addition to Russians and Hungarians, the cast includes children from Ukraine, South Africa, India, Turkey and South Korea.
Rosatom communications director Sergej Novikov said the aim of the theatre camp was to give company employees? children a change to rest during the summer months and forge friendships in the course of making a production.
In the musical, children travel to Moscow with the aim of fulfilling their dreams.