Estonian TV Reports on Pécs


The programme is part of a 15-year-old entertainment and information show by Aleksandr Zukerman and Mihhail Vladislavlev. The latest subjects for the shows are the cities that will take the European Capital of Culture title in 2010, of which Pécs is one, together with Essen and Istanbul. Tallinn will take the title in 2011.

The report on Pecs shows developments for its Pécs2010 European Capital of Culture Programme, the city's lively cultural scene and other points of pride nearby, such as the Villány wine-growing region. The reporters were in Pécs during the summer festival season and were able to capture a number of events on film.

Pécs Mayor Zsolt Páva welcomed the reporters at town hall, and Csaba Ruzsa, managing director of the programme organiser for Pécs2010, showed them renovation work on the city's main square.
The programme will be broadcast in Estonia in September.
Photo: MTI