EU to Continue Backing European Film Promotion


The agreement with the EU's MEDIA Programme is for the years 2009-2011. At prestigious festivals and important markets throughout the world, EFP - with its 29 member organisations - will continue its successful presentation of innovative initiatives aimed at improving market access for European film professionals.

In 2009 MEDIA's support is two-fold. EFP will receive EUR 480,000 for promotional events and activities inside of Europe and EUR 766,000 for events and activities outside of Europe, including film sales support.
EFP will organise 11 promotional events in 2009. Additionally, EFP will continue to offer film sales support to qualifying sales companies. This programme complements EFP's existing activities by helping European sales agents market their films at selected international film festivals and, for the first time ever, at major international markets, such as the FILMART in Hong Kong, the AFM in Los Angeles and the Asian Film Market in Pusan. Film sales support puts special emphasis on North and South America as well as East Asia to help with the visibility of European film in these countries.  
The Hungarian Film Union has been a member of EFP since 2001.  In 2003, Hungarian Film Union managing director Éva Vezér became the first representative from Central and Eastern Europe to be elected to the EFP board, a position she continues to hold.