Hungarian Autumn Arrives on West Coast


The programme of events, which runs from mid-September until the middle of December, will start with an exhibition of Hungarian artists featuring the painters Csaba Fürjesi, Viktor Friedl-Kiss, Zoltán Krizsán and Gabriella Pistyur from Budapest, as well as Imre and Éva Makk, from Hawaii, and the sculptor Imre Pistyur.
The pianists Éva Polgár and Tánya Végvári-Plescia will give a concert on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the birth of the Hungarian composer and pianist Ferenc Liszt. Szabolcs Szamosi will play works by Liszt in a church in Los Angeles.
The 4 For Dance will perform several times. The opera singer Anna Peller will team up with Ferenc Keskeny and his Gypsy orchestra to perform a programme of lighter works.
The folk artist Katalin Ispanovity will lead a playhouse for children.
The writer Ferenc Iszák will speak to film director Endre Hules about his new book Free For All to Freedom. A film based on the book is soon to start shooting.
Hungarian Autumn will wind up with screenings of films by the Oscar-winning film director Ferenc Rofusz.  
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)