Hungarian Film Club for English Speakers Starts


Filmgoers can enjoy a drink before the screenings and meet invited filmmakers afterward.

On this season's programme is 1, which received the most awards at Hungarian Film Week; Made in Hungária, the latest film by Miklós Fenyő; and Lost Times, which won the festival's main award.
In addition to these new Hungarian films, the programme includes a classic Hungarian film, Szindbád, by director Zoltán Huszárik, and recent films by the directors Gábor Herendi, Sándor Sára, János Szász and György Pálfi, all of whom will be guests at the screenings.
Screenings will start at 8pm. Welcome drinks can be purchased from 7:30pm. Tickets cost HUF 700.
Funzine-Odeon Film Club Programme 
18 February: A Kind of America 2
Invited guests: director and producer Gábor Herendi and scriptwriter Réka Divinyi
1 March: 1 (preview screening)
Invited guest: director Pater Sparrow
18 March: Made in Hungaria
Invited guest: director Gergely Fonyó
8 April: Lost Times (preview screening)
Invited guest: director Áron Mátyássy
22 April: Szindbád
Invited guest: cinematographer Sándor Sára
6 May: Opium - Diary of a Madwoman
Invited guest: director János Szász and set designer Géza Szöllősi
20 May: Hukkle
Invited guest: director György Pálfi