Hungarians Win European Translator Award


Christina Viragh, who has translated novels by the Nobel Prize winner Imre Kertész and Péter Nádas, was named the winner of the main prize which comes with a 15,000 euro grant.
Agnes Rell, who has translated work by Hungary?s younger generation of writers, such as László Darvasi and Noémi Kiss, was named the winner of the advancement award which comes with a 5,000 euro purse.
The award is presented by the City of Offenburg and the Hubert Burda Foundation.
Viragh will be presented the award at a ceremony in Offenburg on May 13. Nádas will speak at the event.
Viragh was born in Budapest in 1953 but left for Switzerland with her family in 1960. She currently lives in Rome where she writes novels as well as translates.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI) / Photo: