LUMU Shows New Finnish Art


The exhibition features young artists who have abandoned traditional forms and created their own means of expression. There are many film and video works on the programme, and a number of computers allow the artists to defy the laws of physics. What is certain is that the exhibition has achieved its goal of creating a kind of shadow of Finnish stereotypes by drawing in visitors with a touch of humour.

A short video by Salla Tykkä shows a shirtless woman in a boxing match with a much larger male opponent. Stiina Saaristo's drawings mix erotica with kitsch in a mannerist style. Anni Rapinoja shows clothing and shoes made of natural materials. In Tea Mäkipää's video, the role of director has been handed to a reindeer. Mika Ronkainen has created a documentary of a choir called Screaming Men, who sing a kind of Finnish gospel music for relief from tension. The exhibition also shows the therapeutic effect on tension offered by Tellervo Kalleinen and Oliver Kochta-Kalleinen's "complaint choirs,"
Author: Eszter Götz
Photo: LUMU