Prince to Play Day 0 of Sziget


Prince has sold more than 100 million records since bursting onto the music scene in 1976. Ten of his releases have gone platinum and he has been presented several Grammy Awards as well as a Golden Globe and an Oscar.
Sziget fans can expect to hear hits such as Purple Rain, Kiss, When Doves Cry and 1999.
?We know it?s a bit unusual to announce such a huge star so late but Polish Open?er festival?s booked Prince for a gig in the beginning of July as an exclusive act for the 2011 festival season in this part of Europe,? said Sziget organiser Gábor Takács.
?Luckily the Polish organizers Alter Art were ready to make a compromise, without their support this great show wouldn?t have happened on Sziget,? he added.
Although Prince will be the highlight of Sziget?s day 0, visitors will also be able to hear the New-York-based Klezmatics, Serbian Boban i Marko Markovic Orkestar and even Russia?s finest underground act Leningrad.
Hungarian public radio broadcaster MR2 will pair its symphony orchestra with some of Hungary?s hottest homegrown acts on the same day.