Superwash Wins 2nd Budapest Short Film Festival


A jury with members from around the world picked the film, which premiered at the Hungarian Film Festival earlier this year, from among about 14 hours worth of shorts from 20 countries.

The international jury granted the silver prize to Felix Binder?s film ?Chinese Takeaway? and the bronze prize to Eicke Bettinga?s ?Exam?. The Duna Television prize went to Sándor Tóbiás?s short film ?Dustmen?.

The student jury also awarded prizes, presenting the main one to Alex Schmidt?s ?Bass in Contra?. Special prizes went to Károly Krisztián Köves?s ?Toby?, a film that shows a dog?s perspective, and Géza M. Tóth?s animated short ?Maestro?. ?Toby? won the prize for best cinematography from the main jury and ?Maestro? won the main jury?s prize for best animated film.

The Czech Jakub Hussar was given the most talented young filmmaker award for his film ?Toxymoron? and the best female lead award went to the Australian actress Luis Collins for her role in the pseudo-documentary ?Happy Together Now? directed by Joachim Aust. The best first film award went to Andrea Márk for her animated short ?Changing a Light Bulb?. Other filmmakers receiving recognition were Ákos Mester for ?Fremd?, Márton Szirmai for ?The Treasure of the Mecsek?, László Kollár Klemencz for ?Doughnut?, Alex Weimer for ?Hide High Noon?, Attila V. Nagy for ?Galiba?, Christian Hasslecker for ?Faustrecht? and Graeme Cole for ?Pilot for a 22nd Century Sitcom?.

The Hamburg Media School was granted an international producer award because the majority of short films arrived from the school. The best Hungarian producer award went to András Muhi.

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