Szindbád Cinema to Reopen as KINO


Dog Days

The cinema will show thematic film series and host film clubs. KINO also wants to attract new audiences, therefore part of the events and screenings will be educational. The operator of the refurbished cinema believes it important to collect different art genres in one space and add new colour to Budapest's cultural life. The cinema sets out to create a community space where, in addition to watching films, people can relax, drink coffee, read the newspapers or browse the internet.

KINO will open on September 25. At the same time it will kick off four days of non-stop film screenings under the title Celebration of Cinema. Some of Hungary's best actors and directors, among them Sándor Gáspár, Miklós Jancsó, János Kulka, László Lugo Lugosi, Zsolt Nagy, Eszter Ónodi, Bori Rutkai, Judit Schell, Attila Till, Orsi Tóth, Zsuzsi Uj, Vilmos Vajdai and Sándor Zsótér will work the box office during the event. One of the highlights of the programme will be a retrospective of films by the iconic Austrian director Ulrich Seidl.
In October, KINO will show Fassbinder films, and in November it will host a festival of Asian cinema.