The Symptoms Prepare for Busy Season End


The Symptoms will bring its performance Nothing There or Do Dreams Go to Sleep During the Day? to The Place, a centre for contemporary dance in London, on June 2 and 3.
 Nothing There
The piece will launch The Turning World, a one-month international festival.
"The real-time video technology employed by this piece reacts to the position in space of a body in motion, as well as its shape, direction, and dynamics of movement, transforming the gestures of the six dancers into the projection of their anxieties and fantasies, and their web of relations into a mobile abstract painting," the dance ensemble says on their website.
One reviewer called Réka Szabó's new piece "innovative to the bone...[with] superb dance character performances, first-rate jazz compositions...remarkable costumes...and fascinating space and lighting design."
The troupe will bring You Trash! to the Pécs National Theatre Conference (POSZT) after returning to Hungary.
"Laced with music, dance, and elements of pantomime, this street performance offers an ironic look at an acute, globally unsolved social problem, while holding a mirror to the audience," The Symptoms say.

On June 20, the Night of Museums, The Symptoms will perform Nylon Revue, an "eccentric fashion show and shapeless dance", to Debrecen's MODEM.
The Symptoms are working on an experimental dance film they hope to present in the autumn.
Photo: The Symptoms / Gábor Dusa