France Info Reports on Hungarian Film Week


Éva Vezér

France Info correspondent Florence La Bruyere spoke with Hungarian Film Union director Éva Vezér, who said the number of festival-goers this year reached 40,000, which is a good sign for Hungarian filmmakers.

Young filmmakers were at the centre of this year's festival, La Bruyere said, praising a documentary called Tiny Joys by the 24-year-old Ibolya Bálint that examines the passions of the inhabitants of a city in Transylvania through the classified ads of a local newspaper. The documentary is "full of funny scenes about everyday survival," she said.
Another film La Bruyere highlighted in her report was Who Are You To Know Who I Am, a moving film by György Pálos about Hungary's Stop Group Foundation, which helps addicts return to society.
France Info noted Hungarian Film Week's popularity in spite of the lack of luxury and glamour seen at other festivals around Europe.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)
Photo: MTI