More than HUF 800m Available for 2010 Run-up Events


Tamás Szalay

Many of the events will take place within the framework of the Pécs Spring Festival and the Balkan World Music Festival. Both festivals, for which Pécs has become well known, will be expanded and improved in 2009, Szalay said.

In addition to culture, religion will be a focus of the programme, with some HUF 100 million offered to support events organised by the city's historic churches. The diocese of Pécs celebrates its thousand anniversary in 2009, Szalay noted.
Managing director of the Pécs2010 Management Centre Csaba Ruzsa said around HUF 600 million was available last year for events in the run-up to 2010. In 2010, support for the events will come to HUF 1.5 billion.
Events for the European Capital of Culture 2010 programme will be finalised in April.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI) / Photo: MTI