The series will start with the Lake Velence Fish, Game, Wine and Palinka Festival in Agárd on April 30. This will be followed by the season-opening angler and fish soup cooking competition, also in Agárd, and the 20th International Kite-Flying Meeting in Pákozd.
The Orbán-day Hill Celebration will be held in Pázmánd and Velence at the end of May. The National Eco Expo and Bio Festival will be held in Gárdony and the Midsummer Night?s Dance Festival in Sukoró in June.
Additional events that are traditionally held around the Lake Velence include the Waterside Rock and Roll and American Car Weekend Meeting, the Agárd Sour Cherry Festival, the Lake Velence Art Festival and the International Balloon Carnival. The festival season will conclude in September with a military festival entitled Honour to Soldiers held in September.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)